Lodge Lumber is your Texas Master Distributor of JP Specialties Earth Shield® Waterstop Products
Lodge Lumber proudly serves as the Texas Master Stocking Distributor for JP Specialties’ high-quality Earth Shield® Waterstop Products. Our partnership enables us to offer you a comprehensive range of materials for your industrial concrete construction projects. JP Specialties offers made to order custom fittings for ease of installation and minimal welding in the field. Each Earth Shield® Waterstop product has been tested to meet various design specifications including, but not limited to, several ASTM and CRD specifications as well as being NSF/ANSI and GreenSpec certified.

JP Specialties, Inc. – “The primary choice for secondary containment ®”
Earth Shield® Waterstop Limited Warranty
J P Specialties, Inc. warrants to the Buyer that this product is new and will be free from defects and will perform as represented in writing subject to the two (2) following conditions: First, the application of the product and the concrete construction practices used in the application are in accordance with J P Specialties, Inc. recommendations; and, Second, the Buyer has selected the proper product for the specific application required. Any information supplied in good faith by J P Specialties, Inc. with respect to its products is believed to be correct. J P Specialties, Inc. Makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. The exclusive remedies of the Buyer and the limit of the liability of J P Specialties, Inc. from any and all losses or damages resulting from the use of this product shall be either full refund of the purchase price to the Buyer of this product or the replacement of the quantity of product purchased by the Buyer at the discretion of J P Specialties, Inc.
All supplied testing data has been performed by independent testing laboratories.